Thursday, March 28, 2013

Updated Tear Sheet

Ello Reader:
Here's an updated version of the tear sheet for the inside of my demo reel DVD case.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Hello thar reader:

Here's an updated version of my boat piece. Check out the original here

Critique? :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Random Inspiration pt. deux

Trying to make a collage of all of the tea quotes I've collected. I'll probably use the finished piece in my portfolio.
Here's what I have so far.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tear Sheet

Hello Reader,
I've been working on this tear sheet for most of the day & still more corrections need to be made. For those who don't know, tear sheets help promote an artist by showing samples of their work and contact information.

As usual, criticism would be greatly appreciated. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

To Do List pt. quatre

Ello Human:
This week is going so quickly. The weather has been crappy for March with snow and slush. My website domain is simple now and you can visit it here but there's still much to do.

Such as:
Creating 10 strong pieces for my portfolio
Having a demo reel to showcase my work

Here's a piece I've been working on for my portfolio.

Suggestions? Leave them in a comment below 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Count of Monte Cristo Cover Art pt. deux

Hello Human:

I've been working on making my cover art for The Count of Monte Cristo more realistic and portfolio ready.

This is the old illustration:
 Here is the latest one:

His hair needs some work; suggestions would be awesome!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Dear Reader:

This will be my last post before during Daylight Savings time begins. Never fully understood why we lose an hour of sleep, but longer daylight hours is awesome because it gives me more time during the day to work on my portfolio.
Leave a comment on what you think about DST? And check out what I have so far for my online portfolio here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To Do List pt. trois

Ello Human:

This week is going awesomely so far. Today before my internship, I completely finished my resume and published my website. It has a bit of a wordy domain right now but soon I'll just have a simple website name. So it looks like I can check off two things from my list! 

Make my resume more creative (by 3/4)
Finish my website
Create 10 strong pieces for my portfolio
Have a demo reel to showcase my work
Two more to go!! Check out my website by clicking here 

Monday, March 4, 2013

To Do List pt. deux

Dear Reader,

Today was a pretty productive day. I focused on making my resume more graphic design related. So it looks like I can check off one thing from my list of things to do. 

Make my resume more creative (by 3/4)
Finish my website
Create 10 strong pieces for my portfolio
Have a demo reel to showcase my work

Three more to go! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Random Inspiration

G'day Reader,

Lately, I've been trying to figure out what inspires me. I've found that I am amused by the slightest things and often times can be inspired by anything; from the shape of random household objects to the quote that I find on the tab of my morning tea.

So my question to you is: What's your inspiration? leave a comment below

Awesome quote from Celestial Seasonings Green Tea: Honey Lemon Ginseng

Friday, March 1, 2013

To Do List

Hello Human,
My last semester of attending courses at The College of Westchester is quickly coming to an end. Here are a few things that I need to work on before it's done.

Make my resume more creative (by 3/4)
Finish my website
Create 10 strong pieces for my portfolio
Have a demo reel to showcase my work

Let's see if I can get this done.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Count of Monte Cristo Cover Art

Hallo Human: 

As a project for inDesign class I have to create a book cover featuring original artwork. The book that I received was The Count of Monte Cristo which is a pretty classic tale (so I've heard).I've never read the book but I've seen the 2002 film remake which was pretty good. 

Here's a preview of what I've done so far for the cover, its a portrait of the main character who is a Frenchman by the name of Edmond Dantes:

Dantes says: Feel free to critique me

Saturday, February 23, 2013

At Home Internship Work!

Hello Human:

For the past few months, starting in October of 2012 I have been working with a certified life coach from upstate NY. Since she is such a long distance away this has been a work from home internship. Thus far I have helped create her logo and business card, now I am working on a promotional brochure for special needs coaching business.

Here it is:

If you have any suggestions for things to add to this brochure please leave a comment :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Graphic Designer: Why?

Hello Human:

Today during my long commute home I started thinking specifically about my current major and why I chose it. For those who do not know already, I study Graphic Design. This field includes creating works such as logos, and overall Graphic Designers are able to communicate specific ideas using visuals as a way to explain them in a way that mere text cannot. So while staring out of the window on the bus...suddenly a realization struck me:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Experiences of a WMAI pt.2

Greetings Reader:
If you read my first post entitled Experiences of a WMAI pt. 1 which can be found here you may be wondering what this "WMAI" acronym stands for. Well, it means Westchester Magazine Art Intern ( ^,^). Now that the mystery is solved, here is a picture that I found on the Westchester Magazine website which includes more photos of the behind the scenes stuff involved in or Spring Fashion 2013 photo shoot. 

Check out more pics, just click this

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Postcard inDesign

Hello Reader,

I've been working on a postcard design to promote my graphic design work. Critiques are welcome  ( ^______^)

Criticism? Comment.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Where it all happens

Greetings Human:

Below are pictures of where all of my ideas become reality. This is where I feel most comfortable creating therefore it is the environment where most of my art is produced. The walls of this room may be boring beige, but they are covered with paintings/ drawings I've created, posters, and so forth.

Well here it is; my room:
Kookie, the cat says you should comment this post. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Illustration of Text pt. deux

Greetings Reader,

This day is coming to a close so why not welcome the new day with an illustration. Here is another creation using the same "see through" text effect from yesterdays post. There is a possibility of snow tomorrow in NYC therefore this image features a snowy theme. This text effect has become a favorite effect of mine to use in Illustrator.

Criticize Me. (*^-^*)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Text Illustration

Hello Humans,

This week I will be experimenting with different text effects on illustrator. Right now I am starting off with a simple see through text with a drop shadow and flowers in the background:

Criticism is welcome :D

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Illustration

Here's a screenshot of an illustration I'm working on. This piece blends together two of my favorite Disney characters, Mickey Mouse and Tim Burton's version of the Cheshire Cat (from the 2010 Alice in Wonderland).

Critiques? Criticism? Ideas? Post a comment :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Experiences of a WMAI pt.1

If you're wondering what WMAI stands for don't fret, I'll explain it in the next post. Today was a long and productive day, because I assisted in the production of a photo shoot for the spring fashion season. It was an awesome experience because of the many firsts that happened and to spare you as a reader I will only mention three: 

  • 1. Learning how to operate a keurig machine
  • 2. Being in a penthouse
  • 3. Eating kimchi and Korean BBQ chicken

Here are some photos from today:

Foyer of Penthouse
Makeup Artist and N'jeri (style intern)


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Took this photo during the first week of my internship with Westchester Magazine, and it is now in the February 2013 publication Our Dining Issue: Burgers!